Actress actress Ram Charanake will give her the recipe

Anusua Bharadwaj, India's southern film actress He made his debut in Rupali world last year, but he has already appeared in several films. They also got success at the box office.

Currently, the actress is busy busy shooting for 'Ragathalam 1985' movie. Recently, some of the fun experiences of shooting sets told that the actress told the media.

Sukumar is directing 'Rathathalam 1985'. Samantha Rath Lord and Ram are walking in the central role of this. "When we were discussing the food in the shooting set, we promised, during the next shooting, I will take kakarakaya (curry curry) for them," Ansua said. They are very interested in hearing about me and believe this food is delicious. During the next shooting, I am also looking forward to feeding them. '

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