JSC-JDC test starts today

Junior School Certificate (JSC) and Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC) exams begin today on Thursday.

26 lakhs 70 thousand 333 people in the two examinations. Of these 14 lakh 46 thousand 601 students. And 12 lakh 23 thousand 73 students.

Students from 29,677 institutions in the country will take part in these two examinations.

Tapan Kumar Sarker of the Dhaka Education Board said on Wednesday that all the preparations for the examination were completed.

Tapan Kumar Sarkar said, in a written message to the concerned secretary, in 25 minutes before the start of the test, a set question paper will be examined. Then the question paper will be opened.

This rule was introduced at the end of the last SSC examination and the beginning of last HSC examination to prevent the leak of question papers.

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