Beatown is now the festival's mood. Soothing Rob around. On one hand Deepika Padukone and Ranbir's marriage, on the other hand, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas married. Bollywood and Hollywood star Priyanka Chopra and the preparation for the marriage of US pop star Nicole Jonas has started in a lot of time. Though these two stars are sitting in India, the wedding starts in the United States. Priyanka celebrates the first meal of the first meal. The 'Bridal Shower' of the Indian 'Aibudha Rice'
On Sunday evening, Priyanka's brilliant Bridal Shower was held in New York's Tiffany's Blue Box Café. In this particular day, how the former world-monarch himself decorated itself, the pictures have come to social media. Everyone looked at Priyanka himself in Bridal Shawar. On this day Priyanka was wearing a white-colored Murkez Gown, Nood Christian Lobotin Pump Su The dress was fitting with the diamond jewelery. In the light of Tiffany's diamond necklace, Priyanka became more obscure on that day. The photo of Priyankar has come in public. On that day he used to wear jewelry, and if anyone heard it, he would have been surprised.
Shoes from Priyanka Chopra's bag have come in the discussion. Shortly before, his red-colored skirt-top attracted the attention of everyone. Everyone has been surprised by the price of this dress. The price of this Betauna beauty shoes is also the price of bags are sky. This is the name of your bridal shower. On this day, the former world peacemaker will become more unfavorable, not saying it. Now Priyanka is not the costume, her jewelry discussion is about. Priyanka wearing a necklace of diamond with a white-colored Marquez Gown in Bridal Shower Tiffany and Company's diamond necklace will be a lot of prices, saying it is not. That night Priyanka's neck necklace price was $ 1 million. Apart from this, he had a diamond ring worth 2.5 crore rupees on his finger. Murakesh Gown costs four lakh rupees.
Priyanka-Nick's wedding will start in the United States but it will end in India. They are sitting in the Umed Palace in Jodhpur, Rajasthan. It is known that the wedding ceremony will last from 30 November to 2 December. On August 14, 'Rika' (blessing) was made by Priyanka-nike.