India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi today unveiled the world's highest statue in Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel's 143th birth anniversary on the birthplace of Narmada in Gujarat.
It is named as "Ekta Murthy" because the first independent Home Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Patel included 162 Karad Kingdoms in the Indian Republic, for which he was compared to Bismarck. The Statue of Liberty's double, six hundred feet high statue has cost three thousand crores, it took 33 months. The Bimandhi Mountains, next to the Narmada river, is looking at the Sarovar Dam, India's Iron Man.
There is no debate about this statue. In addition to 185 families of the indigenous people were overthrown, they boycotted the ceremony today in protest against the installation of such a large statue by damage to nature.
The bronze statue of the statue has been made in China, for which Congress President Rahul Gandhi ridiculed it as Made in China. CPM leader Suryakanta Mishra said that the Congress leader banned the RSS RSS organization. And today BJP has got its name in the election campaign with the support of RSS.