Solidarity Front has inspired authorization to rally in Chittagong

National Unity Front has got authorization to open in Chittagong. The rally will be held before BNP's Metropolitan Office on Saturday (October 27th) at Kakir Deori, Chittagong. 

Chittagong Metropolitan Police Commissioner. Mahbubur Rahman advised this to the principal light. He said the state of the National Unified Front was permitted to hold an open gathering by utilizing one side of the street neighboring the BNP office Nasiman building. 

The National Unity Forum encouraged the police to get authorization for the rally at Laldighi Maidan in Chittagong. On Friday, the Metropolitan Police enabled the unified front to be utilized before the BNP office without the consent of the Laldighi field. 

The unified front will complete the get together by 5pm. 

Prior in Sylhet on Wednesday held solidarity front rally. National UnityFrench is shaped on BNP, Gana Forum, Civil solidarity and (JSD).

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