On the off chance that you are the lord of the holy people today

A few scenes, occasions and individuals pay heed in the lifestyle. Numerous days in memory If you have ever heard that the Taj Mahal has been broken, at that point I feel extremely pained. On the off chance that somebody says that the nation itself has turned out to be free, it won't hear it. Since, similar to the further developed individuals, I too had a cognizant interest in this extraordinary accomplishment. Nirmalendu needed to acquire the quality, I could have the shot in my chest. In like manner, a few people think. Cheering in recollecting their accomplishments. In the event that they are hurt, at that point they are loaded with agony. 

Dr. I know Jafarullah Chowdhury for four decades. Abruptly, one day toward the beginning of the day, Ahmad Chafa gotten me and stated, "How about we go to Savar." I saw that his darling previous priest Mofiz Chowdhury showed up before the auto. He needs to make a bike producing plant. That is the reason he got any assistance or guidance from Jafarullah Chowdhury, he imagined that he could get help or counsel. 

That was the first occasion when I went to the Public Health Center. The medication manufacturing plant was simply prepared. Farhad Mazhar is the showcasing administrator of Farhad Mazhar. Ahmad Chafar is a dear companion. A couple of days back, the United States came back with the garbage of the moolus. Here we are attempting to settle down. She opened the medication and turned the prescription research center around the drug machine. I was informed this is a pharmaceutical organization's quality standard research center in Bangladesh. 

Worldwide pharmaceutical organizations have possessed the capacity to consume this nation like kamdhannu. Jafarullah Chowdhury gave it a conflict. He was the main impetus behind the administration's medication strategy Based on this approach, the enlivening of household meds has arrived at an end. Zafarullah Chowdhury was its pioneer. 

The entire day was spent in the general wellbeing patio. In one place, numerous young ladies were setting up a bed of doctor's facility. Their age is twenty. Hand welding gear. Wearing blue poodle-shirt. Toward the beginning of the day they originated from neighboring towns. In the wake of working shirts and night wear rather than saris, they work all over Lohalakkad. At night whose arrival to their home. I saw just a single male specialist. He is their manager. It appears that the entire healing center is being made by the work serious work of the young ladies in the town. This is another Taj Mahal, behind which there is another sort of affection, free of expense to the poor agriculturists of the town, or for minimal measure of restorative treatment. 

After some more years have passed. This is around 1988. The Asian Development Bank will direct a study in seven nations including Bangladesh. The theme is to recognize NGOs' collaboration territories with the legislature for the advancement of horticulture and country zones. Bangladesh Country Director was assigned in the study. I joined the ADB workshops in Manila and begun working in Dhaka. For this, we have to meet the pioneers and pioneers of the NGO segment of this nation. In the continuation of this balanced converse with Fazle Hasan Abed, Jafarullah Chowdhury, Kazi Faruk Ahmed, Jeffrey Perera, Rahat Uddin Ahmed and others. Long talks with Jafarullah Chowdhury were held at the Dhaka office of the Gonoshasthya Kendra. Amid that time there was a long exchange about his formative advancement. Most NGOs were engaged with different improvement exercises. Be that as it may, the pattern was in microcredit. My activity was to prescribe a few NGOs who have the will and capacity to work as a team with the legislature. I proposed the names of 25 'national' and 15 'local' NGOs. Ganaoshyasthya Kendra was one of the five national associations. The overview was distributed in ADB in August 1989. In its continuation, the Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) was built up in Bangladesh. 

Many have expounded on the general wellbeing focus, in the nation and abroad. BRAC and GANCO Health Center, which were given precedents of associations which were given models of worldwide associations during the 90s, with the activity of the general population of Bangladesh, nation's accomplishments and innovation. Educator Md. Anisur Rahman got a writ in that, amid that time, the activity of growing proficiency through casual instruction in the nation, was one of his significant partners in the Ganaosh Health Center. At that point they had a trademark: 'Tips Chi'. 

In the contemporary world, the 'Right Live Lloyd Award' is given from Stockholm for its commitment in managing helpful difficulties. It begun its voyage in 1980. Many think of it as an elective Nobel Prize. This honor is given to those people and associations, who work with the interests and goals of the general population. The individuals who have gotten this honor in the area incorporate Lokayan (India, 1985), Chipko Movement (India, 1987), Medha Patkar and Baba Amte (Narmada Bachao Andolan, India, 1991), Jafarullah Chowdhury (Gonoshasthya Kendra, Bangladesh, 1992) , Vandana Shiva (India, 1993), Asghar Ali Engineer (India, 2004), Grameen Shakti (Bangladesh, 2007), Asma Jahangir (Pakistan, 2014). 

Jafarullah Chowdhury read the threat. As of late he was reprimanded for making an immaterial remark by joining the armed force boss. He ought not have said a wonder such as this. He was sorry notwithstanding when he was sorry. At that point we saw a body of evidence against him in a steady progression. It would have been exceptional if the issue left the legal procedure. In any case, it didn't. Presently he isn't the only one, his association has been influenced. Neighborhood influencers obstructed their entrance. Offended inside, vandalized the young ladies in the lodging, and an understudy of state funded college shook Limon. It is comprehended that Jafarullah has been a casualty of retribution. Offense

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