Prime Minister's press conference stops

Dhaka: Prime Minister and Awami League President Sheikh Hasina on Thursday (8 November) press conference has been postponed due to dialogue with different political parties.

Prime Minister's Press Secretary Ehsanul Karim told reporters on Wednesday (November 7th) that the press conference of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was postponed (Thursday) on Thursday (November 8th) due to inevitable reasons. The changed dates will be notified later.

The Awami League-led 14-party alliance formed a dialogue in the first phase with the national united front on 1 November. On Wednesday (November 7th), the 14-party dialogue with the united front was held. Meanwhile, the ruling alliance has been in talks with a number of other opposition parties, including the United Front, the United Nation. The Prime Minister's press conference was due to the results of this dialogue.

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