Shishu Park When the brushing land

The single youngster stop in Jhalokathi's Rajapur Sadar has turned into a brushing land. Because of the free domesticated animals nourishing kids' amusement condition is being squandered. Therefore, gatekeepers are hesitant to go to the recreation center with kids. In spite of the fact that the nearness of kids in the recreation center diminished, the expansion has expanded. 

Local people communicated resentment regarding the nearness of senior authorities of the organization, including the Upazila Executive Officer, who used to live unreservedly in the youngsters' carnival before the habitation of senior authorities. Aside from this, two-storied structures allotted for government authorities in the recreation center are deserted, local people grumble that the medication addicts are insufficient. Not just that, more than once robbery happened at the authorities' home close to the recreation center. 

It was discovered that many dairy animals and goats were meandering in the recreation center. Blossoms and pee of creatures are spread all over the place. The goats are sitting in the seats. Around the relinquished working around the recreation center, the medication addicts are circling. Because of the utilization of more established individuals, a few breakdown have effectively broken. In any case, as of late the activity to change the recreation center has been taken. 

Sanjay Karmakar, who went to the recreation center with the tyke stated, the state of the recreation center before the organization authorities isn't that it ought to be. The administration's endeavors to tidy up youngsters are not fruitful just because of absence of supervision. The nearby organization should be more cautious about this. 

Rajpur Sadar Union Parishad UP part Touhidul Islam said there is no pothole in the Sadar association for control of animals. On the off chance that anybody asks for, the potholes will be allotted. 

Upazila official officer Afroza Begum Parul stated, the cows are entering the recreation center once in a while in light of the fact that there is no assignment of work for the consideration of the recreation center or for appropriate supervision. However, lawful move will be made against the individuals who are leaving the steers.

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