His childhood dream, will be the owner of a full plane. People do not think how much! But when someone grew up, they kept the dream of the kite. One is China's Zhu Yi. In order to fulfill his childhood dreams, he needed real airplanes. But he could not buy the original aircraft, he made a replica of the proof-size!
According to the news of The Sun, Zhu Yaya has made a replica of the Airbus company's A320 model. From his childhood he thought, there will be an airplane of his own! But Airbus does not have the ability to buy the real aircraft. At the end, Zhu has made a replica of the same size. This replica made a little more for two years.
According to Shanghai, at the age of 40, Zhu Yaya has fulfilled her dream of childhood. The replica made by him is 124 feet long. And the width is 118 feet. Zoo has helped five of his friends to make 40-foot high replica.
In the words, the price of a hundred thousand rupees! Zhu is spending money on making the dream plane. The total cost will be 2.6 million yuan. It is more than two crore taka in Bangladeshi currency. The construction work is expected to end in May.
Of course, Zhu Yar has more plans on the dream plane. There is a desire to start a restaurant there. Zhu said, 'Now I want to finish this work at any cost. There is a plan to start a restaurant here.